Kon-nectingservices, Inc. has supported and advocated for all people affected by the Criminal Justice System since 2008 in Pennsylvania to help eliminate recidivism, discrimination, and provide services for this population and their families. Kon-nectingservices, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 community-based organization established in Lancaster Pennsylvania where we advocated for alternative programs and services for people with criminal records, provided summer camps/after-school therapist services for children of incarcerated parents, family reunification cohesive services, offered employment training/internship/leadership opportunities, provided permanent transitional housing and wrap around services for both men, women, and their families. KNS has hosted, facilitated, and participated in many community activities and educational workshops, seminars, conferences, and speaking engagements within the United States. Today our mission is to improve the quality of life for currently and formerly incarcerated girls, women, transgender females, and their families. Through a variety of holistic comprehensive wrap around life skills programs and services at first point of contact with the criminal justice system, we plan to address the needs and issues of this population by way of health/trauma informed-care, educational/entrepreneurship training, emotional and social learning, family reunification/stability, financial literacy, employment, housing, community engagement, and civic engagement services.